Land Retirement Demonstration Project

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Precipitation in the Tranquillity Area


Precipitation in the San Joaquin Valley is highly variable, both seasonally, and from year to year.  Precipitation patterns had a significant influence on the restoration response of various trials and on native plant propagation activities that were conducted at a field nursery near Tranquillity. We have summarized precipitation data for the Tranquillity area from 1997 through 2008. This period includes the course of the Land Retirement Demonstration Project (1997-2005) and the duration of native plant propagation activities (2001-2008). Precipitation data were compiled from the Westlands weather station (CIMIS Station #105). Data for the 30-year mean were compiled from four, nearby NOAA stations.

picture showing a comparison between the 30-yr mean precipitation and precip during 1997-present
Figure 1. Precipitation data from 1997-2008.  Bars represent monthly totals; the solid line represents the 30-year mean precipitation. Values above the bars indicate the percentage of the 30-year mean for precipitation in that particular year. Note: clicking on the image will take you to a larger version of the image.

Page created: April 4, 2006; Last updated: January 12, 2007   

Information Contact: esrpinfo [at]^M

The Land Retirement Program is a Department of the Interior program
composed of representatives from the USBR, FWS, and BLM.