Publications and Reports
Publications available online (html)
Portable document format files 
- New! 2024 Social and genetic relationships among individuals in urban kit fox social groups.
- New! 2024 The San Joaquin kit fox: biology, ecology, and conservation of an endangered species.
- 2023 Syntopy between endangered San Joaquin kit foxes and potential competitors in an urban environment.
- 2023 Effects of fire on kangaroo rats in the San Joaquin Desert of California.
- 2023 Potential for denning behavior to facilitate transmission of sarcoptic mange in endangered San Joaquin kit foxes.
- 2023 Spatio-temporal and transmission dynamics of sarcoptic mange in an endangered New World kit fox.
- 2023 Movements by endangered kit foxes between urban and non-urban habitats: implications for inter-population disease transfer.
- 2023 Case study: Cross-fostering of an endangered San Joaquin kit fox pup (Vulpes macrotis mutica).
- 2023 Buena Vista Lake Shrew Conservation: Locating extant populations using non-invasive survey techniques and developing genetic tools to facilitate population studies.
- 2022 Response of San Joaquin kit foxes to the Panoche Valley Solar Farm.
- 2022 Sarcoptic mange in urban kit foxes: potential for cross-species transmission.
- 2022 Updated Habitat Suitability Mapping for Riparian Brush Rabbits in the Northern San Joaquin Valley and Sacramento/San Joaquin River Delta
- 2022 Demographic and ecological patterns of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes in the Carrizo Plain National Monument.
- 2022 Intraguild competition between endangered kit foxes and a novel predator in a novel environment.
- 2022 Genetic analyses are more sensitive than morphological inspection at detecting the presence of threatened Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) remains in canid scat and raven pellets.
- 2022 Accuracy of aging kit foxes using cementum annuli analysis.
- 2022 Spatiotemporal patterns of San Joaquin kit foxes and an urban canid guild.
- 2022 An efficient method for simultaneous species, individual, and sex identification via in-solution single nucleotide polymorphism capture from low-quality scat samples.
- 2021 Artificial dens for the Conservation of San Joaquin kit foxes.
- 2021 Conservation of threatened San Joaquin antelope squirrels: distribution surveys, habitat suitability, and conservation recommendations.
- 2021 Fostering orphaned pups of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica): three case studies.
- 2021 Photovoltaic solar farms in California: can we have renewable electricity and our species too?
- 2021 Conservation of endangered Tipton kangaroo rats (Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides): status surveys, habitat suitability, and conservation recommendations.
- 2021 Urban landscape attributes affect occupancy patterns of the San Joaquin kit fox during an epizootic.
- 2021 Population ecology and survivorship of San Joaquin antelope squirrels in grazed and control plots in the San Joaquin Desert of California.
- 2021 Home range and movements of San Joaquin antelope squirrels in the San Joaquin Desert of California.
- 2021 Predation on desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) by desert canids.
- 2021 Current status of the Mohave ground squirrel: an update covering the period 2013–2020.
- 2021 Ecological variation among island foxes relative to reproductive events.
- 2020 Use of Flumethrin-impregnated collars to manage an epidemic of sarcoptic mange in an urban population of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica).
- 2020 Tipton Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides), shrubs, and intraguild competition.
- 2020 Strategies for translocating endangered giant kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ingens).
- 2020 Molecular epidemiology of a fatal sarcoptic mange epidemic in endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica).
- 2020 Evaluation of non-invasive survey methods for detecting endangered shrews.
- 2020 Behavior and Ecology of the Riparian Brush Rabbit at the San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge as Determined by Camera Traps. MS Thesis, California State University-Stanislaus, Turlock, CA.
- 2020 Urban Landscape Attributes and Intraguild Competition Affect San Joaquin Kit Fox Occupancy and Spatiotemporal Activity. MS Thesis, California State University-Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA.
- 2020 Patterns of food item use by island foxes on San Nicolas Island. California State University-Stanislaus, Endangered Species Recovery Program, Turlock, CA.
- 2020 Exploitative competition between desert kit foxes and coyotes in the Mojave Desert.
- 2020 Climatic suitability of San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) dens for sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) transmission.
- 2020 Patterns of MHC Polymorphism in Endangered San Joaquin Kit Foxes Living in Urban and Non-urban Environments. Pages 269-298 in J. Ortega and J. E. Maldonado, editors. Conservation genetics in mammals: integrative research using novel approaches. Springer, New York, New York.
- 2019 Geographic variation and evolutionary history of Dipodomys nitratoides (Rodentia:Heteromyidae) a species in severe decline.
- 2019 Golden eagle predation on endangered San Joaquin kit foxes.
- 2019 Temporal variation in foraging patterns of desert kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis arsipis) in the Mojave Desert, California, U.S.A.
- 2019 Conservation of San Joaquin antelope squirrels (Ammospermophilus nelsoni): ecological associations, habitat suitability, and conservation strategies.
- 2019 Raising pups of urban San Joaquin kit fox: relative roles of adult group members.
- 2019 Solar energy development and endangered species in the San Joaquin Valley, CA: Identification of conflict zones.
- 2019 Ematologic and serum chemistry values of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica) with sarcoptic mange.
- 2019 Response of San Joaquin kit foxes to Topaz Solar Farms: implications for conservation of kit foxes. California State University-Stanislaus, Endangered Species Recovery Program, Turlock, CA
- 2019 Comparison of rabbit abundance survey techniques in arid habitats.
- 2018 Observations of social polygyny, allonursing, extrapair copulation, and inbreeding in urban San Joaquin kit Foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica)
- 2018 Coyote diet patterns in the Mojave Desert: implications for threatened desert tortoises.
- 2018 Assessing personality in San Joaquin kit fox in situ: efficacy of field-based experimental methods and implications for conservation management.
- 2018 Comparison of flea (Siphonaptera) burdens on the endangered San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica (Carnivora, Canidae)) inhabiting urban and nonurban environments in Central Valley, California.
- 2018 Reintroduction of the riparian brush rabbit in the San Joaquin Valley, California, USA.
- 2018 Food item use by island foxes on San Nicolas Island: 2015-2017.
- 2017 Population Genetic Structure of the Riparian Brush Rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius): Using Multiple Marker Systems to Gain Insight into Historic and Ongoing Genetic Connectivity.
- 2017 Conservation of Endangered Tipton Kangaroo Rats (Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides): Status Surveys, Habitat Suitability, and Conservation Strategies.
- 2017 Conservation of Endangered Buena Vista Lake Shrews (Sorex ornatus relictus) through Investigation of Taxonomic Status, Distribution, and Use of Non-Invasive Survey Methods.
- 2015 Solar Energy Development and Endangered Upland Species of the San Joaquin Valley of California: Identification of Conflict Zones.
- 2015 Conservation of Endangered Bakersfield Cactus (opuntia basilaris var. Treleasei) through Population Establishment and Expansion, and Outreach.
- 2015 Habitat Conservation in the Panoche Valley Region: Contributions to the Conservation and Recovery of Listed Species.
- 2014 Coyote Foraging Patterns in the Central Mojave Desert: Implications for Predation On Desert Tortoises.
- 2014 San Joaquin kit fox conservation in a satellite habitat area.
- 2013 Measuring Site-Specific Protection Required to Meet Delisting Criteria for Endangered Upland Species of the San Joaquin Valley of California.
- 2013 Small Mammal Surveys at Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge.
- 2012 Habitat Enhancement and Conservation Planning along the Madera and Friant-Kern Canals to Achieve Sustainability of Vernal Pool Communities.
- 2012 Restoration of Tipton Kangaroo Rats at kern National Wildlife Refuge.
- 2012 Kangaroo Rat Population Response to Seismic Surveys for Hydrocarbon Reserves.
- 2012 Conservation Strategies for San Joaquin Kit Foxes in Urban Environments.
- 2011 Reintroducing San Joaquin Kit Fox to Vacant or Restored Lands: Identifying Optimal Source Populations and Candidate Foxes.
- 2011 Suitability of Potential Reintroduction Sites for San Joaquin Kit Foxes.
- 2011 Status Survey for Bakersfield Cactus (Opuntia basilaris Var. treleasei).
- 2011 Restoration Strategies for Bakersfield Cactus (Opuntia basilaris Var. treleasei): Trial Population Establishment at the Bena Landfill Conservation Area.
- 2011 Resource Exploitation by Island Foxes: Implications for Conservation.
- 2011 Evaluation of New Telemetry Technologies for Research on Island Foxes.
- 2011 Ecosystem Analysis of Oilfields in Western Kern County, California.
- 2011 Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizard Surveys At Pixley National Wildlife Refuge In 2011.
- 2011 Avian Species Surveys of the Riparian Areas of the Wind Wolves Preserve, California.
- 2010 Surveys for Rare Species at the Wind Wolves Preserve, California.
- 2010 Enhancement of Satellite and Linkage Habitats to Promote Survival, Movement, and Colonization By San Joaquin Kit Foxes.
- 2010 Mammalian Species Surveys in the Acquisition Areas on the Tejon Ranch, California.
- 2009 A Synthesis of Native Seed Production Efforts in the San Joaquin Valley, California.
- 2009 Conservation of San Joaquin Kit Foxes in Western Merced County, California.
- 2007 Habitat Suitability and Potential Corridors for San Joaquin Kit Fox in the San Luis Unit, Fresno, Kings, and Merced Counties, California.
- [Updated] 2007 A Synthesis of Restoration Research Conducted near Tranquillity, California.
- 2006 Preliminary Study to Determine the Effect of Nonnative Grasses on the Survival and Reproduction of Bakersfield Cactus.
- 2007 Feasibility and Strategies for Translocating San Joaquin Kit Foxes to Vacant or Restored Habitats.
- 2007 Effects of Two-lane Roads on Endangered San Joaquin Kit Foxes.
- 2006 Urban Roads and the Endangered San Joaquin Kit Fox.
- 2005 Foxes in Farmland: Recovery of the Endangered San Joaquin Kit Fox on Private Lands in California.
- 2005 Assessment of Habitat Conditions for the Riparian Brush Rabbit at the San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge, California.
- 2001 Status of the Buena Vista Lake Shrew (Sorex ornatus relictus).
- 2002 Controlled Propagation and Reintroduction Plan for the Riparian Brush Rabbit.
- 1998 Recovery Plan for Upland Species of the San Joaquin Valley, California.
Land Retirement Demonstration Project annual reports 
Publication and Report Abstracts
Refereed Publications
- 2013 Quantity and distribution of suitable habitat for endangered San Joaquin kit foxes: conservation implications
- 2010 Factors associated with survival of reintroduced riparian brush rabbits in California.
- 2010 Book - Urban Carnivores: Ecology, Conflict, and Conservation
- 2009 Hematologic and Biochemistry Reference Values for the Endangered Riparian Brush Rabbit (Sylvilagus Bachmani Riparius).
- 2009 Effects of Roads on Endangered San Joaquin Kit Foxes
- 2009 Patterns of seed occurrence in corsac and red fox diets in Mongolia
- 2008 Barking vocalizations in San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica)
- 2008 Social Interactions among San Joaquin Kit Foxes Before, During, and After the Mating Season.
- 2007 A theft-resistant adjustable security box for digital cameras
- 2007 Development of a Single-Sampling Noninvasive Hair Snare.
- 2007 Recovering the Endangered Riparian Brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius): Reproduction and Growth in Confinement and Survival after Translocation. Chapter in Lagomorph Biology Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation.
- 2007 Social monogamy in kit foxes: formation, association, duration, and dissolution of mated pairs.
- 2007 A theft-resistant adjustable security box for digital cameras.
- 2007 Use of agricultural lands by San Joaquin kit foxes.
- 2007 Effects of habitat on competition between kit foxes and coyotes.
- 2006 Relative abundance of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis mutica) based on scat-detection dog surveys.
- 2006 Effects of artificial escape dens on swift fox populations in northwest Texas.
- 2006
Efficacy of helicopter net-gun capture on coyotes in arid shrubland and grassland habitats.
- 2005 Documenting Ecological Change in Time and Space: The San Joaquin Valley of California. in Mammalian Diversification: From Chromosomes to Phylogeography (A Celebration of the Career of James L. Patton).
- 2005 Competitive interactions between endangered kit foxes and non-native red foxes.
- 2005 Population structure and genetic variation in the endangered Giant Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys ingens).
- 2005 Gene flow among San Joaquin kit fox populations in a severely changed ecosystem.
- 2005
Population ecology of blunt-nosed leopard lizards in high elevation foothill habitat. [ABSTRACT]
- 2005 Assessment of scat-detection dog surveys to determine kit fox distribution.
- 2005 [Map] Landscape change in the San Joaquin Valley of California--pre-European settlement to 2000.
- 2005 Encounter frequency with the urbanized San Joaquin kit fox correlates with public beliefs and attitudes toward the species. [ABSTRACT]
- 2004 [Chapter in] The Biology and Conservation of Wild Canids.
- 2004 [Kit fox in] Canids: Foxes, Wolves, Jackals and Dogs-2004 Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan.
- 2004 [Gray fox in] Canids: Foxes, Wolves, Jackals and Dogs-2004 Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan.
- 2003
Optimizing reserve expansion for disjunct populations of San Joaquin kit fox.
- 2003 [Foxes in] Wild Mammals of North America. Second Edition.
- 2003 Responses of San Joaquin kit foxes to an oil-gas well fire (California Fish and Game 89:102-105).
- 2002 Effects of roads on San Joaquin kit foxes: a review and synthesis of existing data.
- 2002
Use of a hair-sampling tube to detect the San Joaquin kit fox.
- 2002
Use of night vision technology to study kit fox behavior.
- 2002 Optimizing habitat protection using demographic models of population viability.
- 2002 Sympatry between desert mallow, Eremalche exilis, and Kern mallow, E. kernensis (Malvaceae): molecular and morphological perspectives.
- 2001 Interspecific interactions among mammalian predators: implications for the conservation of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes.[ABSTRACT]
- 2001 [Map] Habitat quality for San Joaquin kit fox on managed and private lands.
- 1999 An animal track casting method using dolomite, and, and spray adhesive [ABSTRACT]
- 1999 Chapters in Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals.
- 1999
The status of Tipton kangaroo rats and the potential for their recovery
- 1998 Factors influencing populations of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes. [ABSTRACT]
- 1997
The kangaroo rats of California: endemism and conservation of keystone species. [ABSTRACT]
- 1997 Population structure of Dipodomys ingens (Heteromyidae): the role of spatial heterogeneity in maintaining genetic diversity. [ABSTRACT]
- 1997 Evaluation of methods for permanently marking kangaroo rats (Dipodomys: Heteromyidae) [ABSTRACT]
- 1997 Utility of 10-day censuses to estimate population size of blunt-nosed leopard lizards [ABSTRACT]
- 1994 The effect of drought on blunt-nosed leopard lizards (Gambelia sila).
- 1994 Gambelia sila (blunt-nosed leopard lizard) cannibalism.
- 1993 Taxonomy in Biology of the Heteromyidae. [ABSTRACT]
- 1993 Field Evaluation of using passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags to permanently mark lizards.
- 1993
Recovery of endangered kangaroo rats in the San Joaquin Valley, California. [ABSTRACT]
- 1993 Fleas (Siphonaptera) infesting giant kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ingens) on the Elkhorn and Carrizo plains, San Luis Obispo County, California.
- 1992
Recovery of the blunt-nosed leopard lizards: past efforts, present knowledge, and future opportunities.
- 1992 General biology of major prey species of the California spotted owl[ABSTRACT]
- 1992 Gambelia sila (blunt-nosed leopard lizard) peproduction.
Published Agency Reports
Unpublished Agency Reports
- 2005
Effects of two-lane roads on endangered San Joaquin kit foxes.
- 2005 Assessment of habitat conditions for the riparian brush rabbit on the San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge, California.
- 2005
Urban roads and the endangered San Joaquin kit fox.
- 2005
Foxes in farmland, recovery of the endangered San Joaquin kit fox on private lands in California.
- 2005 Valley elderberry longhorn beetle pilot study, San Joaquin River, 2004.
- 2004 Terrestrial biological surveys supporting restoration planning for the San Joaquin River, California. Summary Report.
- 2004 Controlled propagation and translocation of riparian brush rabbits: Annual report for 2003.
- 2003
Land Retirement Demonstration Project 2002 Annual Report.
- 2003 Mesocarnivore surveys on Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Site 300, Alameda and San Joaquin counties, California.
- 2003 Detection dog surveys for the San Joaquin kit fox along the Delta-Mendota Canal, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Alameda, Stanislaus, and Merced counties, California.
- 2003 Detection dog surveys for San Joaquin kit fox along State Route 25, San Benito County, California.
- 2003 Detection dog surveys for San Joaquin kit foxes in the northern range.
- 2003
Controlled propagation and translocation of riparian brush rabbits: Annual report for 2002.
- 2002 Aerial surveys for kit fox natal dens in the northern range, California.
- 2002
Land Retirement Demonstration Project 2001 Annual Report.
- 2001
Status of the Buena Vista Lake Shrew (Sorex ornatus relictus).
- 2001
Land Retirement Demonstration Project 2000 Annual Report.
- 2001 Results of herpetological surveys performed near Millerton Lake, Friant, California.
- 2000 Analysis of San Joaquin kit fox movements and their use of crossing structures near the State Route 152/33 interchange, Merced County, California.
- 2000 Modified natural environmental study report for surveys conducted along state route 165, Merced County, California.
- 2000 Effects of roads on San Joaquin kit foxes: a review and synthesis of literature.
- 2000 Small mammal trapping, Madera Ranch, Madera County, California.
- 2000 Effects of roads on San Joaquin kit foxes: a review and synthesis of existing data.
- 1999
Land Retirement Demonstration Project 1999 Annual Report.
- 1998
Habitat management for riparian brush rabbits and woodrats with special attenation to fire and flood - [ABSTRACT]
- 1996 Preliminary report on 1995 Kern mallow and San Joaquin woolly-threads grazing and competition reduction studies [ABSTRACT]
- 1994 Progress report on 1994 grazing studies for Kern mallow and San Joaquin woolly-threads [ABSTRACT]
- 1994
Demography of Caulanthus californicus, Lembertia congdonii, and Eriastrum hooveri, and vegetation characteristics of endangered species populations in the southern San Joaquin Valley and the Carrizo Plain Natural Area in 1993. - [ABSTRACT]
- 1993
Population censuses of riparian brush rabbits and riparian woodrats at Caswell Memorial State Park during January 1993 - [ABSTRACT]
Presentations at Conferences and Symposia
(list not currently maintained)
- Use of artificial dens as a conservation tool for endangered San Joaquinkit foxes.
- Anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in an urban population of the SanJoaquin kit fox.
- Are striped skunks a potential epidemiological threat to endangered San Joaquin kit foxes in urban environments?
- Burrowing owl dependence on sympatric fossorial mammals: conservation implications.
- The riparian brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius): an overview of controlled propagation and reintroduction.
- Valley elderberry longhorn beetle- San Joaquin River.
- Are stripped skunks a potential epidemiological threat to endangered San Joaquin kit foxes in urban environments?
- Disturbance effects on Kern mallow.
- Burrowing owl dependence on sympatric fossorial mammals: conservation implications.
- An assessment of hair-trap designs: Removing the ambiguity of non-invasive DNA sampling from individuals.
- Endangered Species to Highways to Crops: Growing a Regional Map for Interagency.
- San Joaquin Valley Upland Species Recovery Planning Areas (poster)
- The Potential for Using Locally-collected Seed in San Joaquin Valley Restoration.
- Restoration of Retired Valley Farmlands Using Herbicides and Activated Carbon.
- Restoration of native plants through study of seeding method and soil type.
- Large-scale restoration of retired agricultural lands in the San Joaquin Valley. [ABSTRACT]
- Public Opinion Toward the San Joaquin Kit Fox Population in Metro Bakersfield, California.
- Effects of Habitat Attributes on Competition Between Endangered San Joaquin Kit Foxes and Coyotes at the Lokern Natural Area.
- Human Interactions with Endangered San Joaquin Kit Foxes in Bakersfield: Conservation Needs and Opportunities.
- Scent-Marking Behavior of the San Joaquin Kit Fox: Implications for Reproduction and Territoriality.
- Endangered Giant Kangaroo Rats Benefit the Endangered Plant Kern Mallow.
- The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and the San Joaquin Valley: Documenting Ecological Change and Biodiversity Loss.
- Burrowing Owl Burrow Site Selection in an Urban Environment: Spatial Overlap with San Joaquin Kit Foxes (poster)
- Public Opinion Toward the San Joaquin Kit Fox Population in Metro Bakersfield, California.
- Effects of Habitat Attributes on Competition Between Endangered San Joaquin Kit Foxes and Coyotes at the Lokern Natural Area.
- Human Interactions with Endangered San Joaquin Kit Foxes in Bakersfield: Conservation Needs and Opportunities.
- Environmental conditions of natural and artificial kit fox dens
- Effect of giant kangaroo rats on the endangered plant Kern mallow
- The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and the San Joaquin Valley: Documenting ecological change and biodiversity loss.
- Behavioral trait assessment as a release criterion for reintroduction of captive-bred swift fox.
- Public opinion towards the San Joaquin kit fox population in metro Bakersfield, California.
- Effects of roads on endangered San Joaquin kit foxes in central California.
- Home range and habitat use of a translocated population of riparian brush rabbits (poster)
- Reconsidering the characteristics of optimal habitat for the endangered riparian brush rabbit (poster)
- Demographics of small mammal populations on retired lands in the San Joaquin Valley, California (poster)
- Barking sequences in San Joaquin kit foxes (poster)
- Population decline of endangered Tipton kangaroo rats in central California: results of an 11-year study (poster)
- Reproduction and growth of a confined population of endangered riparian brush rabbits. [ABSTRACT]
- Survivorship of translocated and repatriated riparian brush rabbits. [ABSTRACT]
- Habitat selection and spatial overlap of San Joaquin kit fox dens and burrowing owl burrows in an urban environment (poster)
- Endangered giant kangaroo rats and stochastic climatic events: documenting the impact of flash flooding.
- Effect of habitat attributes on competition between endangered San Joaquin kit foxes and coyotes in California.
- Conservation and recovery of the riparian woodrat under pressure from an exotic competitor, the black rat.
- Selenium accumulation in small mammals on retired agricultural lands in the San Joaquin Valley, California.
- Human interactions with endangered San Joaquin kit foxes in Bakersfield: conservation needs and opportunities.
- Survivorship of translocated and repatriated riparian brush rabbits.
- The riparian brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius): an overview of its status and recovery.
- Reproduction and growth of a confined population of endangered riparian brush rabbits (poster)
- From wetland to agriculture to upland: large scale restoration of retired agricultural lands in the San Joaquin Valley, California
- Disease monitoring in captively-propagated and reintroduced riparian brush rabbits (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius) in California. [ABSTRACT]
- Raptor Occurrences, Incidence of Nesting, and an Assessment of Prey Availability on Retired Agricultural Lands in the San Joaquin Valley, California. [ABSTRACT]
Not a complete listing
- 2003 Habitat information systems for endangered species recovery planning.[ABSTRACT]
- 2001 The ecology and status of riparian woodrats.
- 2001 The ecology and status of riparian brush rabbits.
- 2000 Den site selection by San Joaquin kit foxes in an urban environment and den competitors.
- 2000 Interspecific interactions among mammalian predators: implications for the conservation of San Joaquin kit foxes.
- 1999 Population growth and dispersal in a translocated colony of endangered giant kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ingens.). [ABSTRACT]
- 1999 San Joaquin kit fox movements and recovery planning in Central California. [ABSTRACT]
- 1999 Conservation of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes in altered landscapes.
- 1999 Conservation of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes in urban environments.
- 1999 Modeling habitat restoration for the San Joaquin kit fox: effects of patch size, immigration, and stochastic prey abundance on population persistence.
- 1998 Temporal and spatial population fluctuations of giant kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ingens). [ABSTRACT]
- 1998 The Status of Tipton Kangaroo Rats and the Potential for Their Recovery. [ABSTRACT]
- 1998 Factors influencing populations of endangered San Joaquin kit foxes.[ABSTRACT]
- 1997 The San Joaquin kit fox as an "umbrella" species for conservation efforts in central California. [ABSTRACT]
- 1996 Response of Kern mallow and San Joaquin woolly-threads to reduction of competition. [ABSTRACT]
- 1996 Influence of endangered giant kangaroo rats on the dispersion and fitness of two endangered plant species in central California. [ABSTRACT] [NB: This title is similar to the presentation from 1994 but the 1996 presentation included 3 additional years worth of data.]
- 1995 Association of San Joaquin woolly-threads with giant kangaroo rat precincts on the Carrizo Plain. [ABSTRACT]
- 1995 Rare plant research being conducted by the San Joaquin Valley Endangered Species Recovery Planning Program. [ABSTRACT]
- 1994 Population responses of Dipodomys ingens to fluctuating precipitation during a 7.5-year period. [ABSTRACT]
- 1994 Influence of the endangered giant kangaroo rat on the dispersion and fitness of two endangered plant species. [ABSTRACT]